
Sunday 13 April 2014

Mt Rinjani day 2 - crater lake, hot springs & summit base camp

A 6am wake up saw this at the doors of our tents...
Not a bad view over the lake with smoke rising from the centre...
The bags were soon packed and the steep 3 hour descent down to the lake began...
Cheeky view on the way down...
Arrived at the lake sweating like mad, this fresh water provided an amazing place to wash down! Apparently helicopters regularly drop off fish here...

Time to hit some more waterfalls...
It's amazing what you can knock up 3,000 meters up, chicken and egg rice...
Watch out for the monkeys though, they will steal your food even when it's in your hand...
The steep ascent started through the clouds to the crater rim again. You don't want to fall off these edges, one slip and your dead...
After a difficult climb we arrived, with everything soaked! Shelter was up and preparations for an early dinner for the 2am wake up...
Even when the wood is wet these guys still manage to get the fire going...
Even with a 35kg load with flip flops on the porters still smoke these all the way up! Check out how much more tar is in the local cigaretts on the yellow pack...
As the sun fell dinner was finished, mille goreng with fresh prawn crackers, crispy chicken and salad. This was restaurant standard stuff...
Sun setting over the crater lake...
Above the clouds again, nice little jet shot...
Early kip for the 2am rose to the sumit.

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