
Sunday 13 April 2014

Mt Rinjani Day 1 - Jungle trek to the crater rim

So they journey began...a horse carriage to the port to Mount Rinjani, a Volcano aprox 4,000 meters high on the island of Lonbok.
The base saw us tracking through the deep jungle, avoiding the spiders and cobra snakes. Managed to bump into a member of the Swedish tanning team...
Too hot. Unfortunatly it didn't come out in the photo but when you took your top off you were literally steaming!!!
The ascent started, with a moderate climb up to the crater rim. The steepness soon increased, with a break needed every ten minutes!
One of the incredible porters. These guys are nuts! Climbing with cooking gear, tents, food and water with flip flops all the way...
Almost at the crater rim... So high above the clouds...
Seven hours later and at the rim, Unfortunatly a little cloudy but you can make out the volcano and lake in the distance...
The sun fell to leave this, this was not taken from a Boeing 747!
Ready for the 6am wake up to watch the sun rise over the sumit...


  1. Great post! thanks for your posting about Lombok that we proud and especially it's about Mount Rinjani. wish you come here again soon.

    Well done
    HaLoMi Trekker

  2. nice post.
    it is very good for us as trekkers.
    more post like this
    more help.
