
Monday 7 April 2014

Gilli Air Island hopping

Again, we hopped on the island shuttle bus for a £1 to find ourselves on Gilli Air, the "happy medium of the three Gillis. With the chilled out vibe of Gilli M but with the liveliness of Gilli T this place already felt great! Found an absolute bargain of a bungalow with super cold aircon and the best beds so far for £7.50/night...

Had the standard five am call to prayer wake up followed by the cockerels at six so ventured outside to be greeted with what looked like a volcanic eruption...
Despite being surrounded by volcanoes (which we plan to hike in a couple of days), this was not an eruption. Now time to plan the day ahead over a free breakfast with a view over mt Riaja Lombok...
There were some old Aussies in the background having vodka slushies to start the day - some say the English have a drinking problem. 
Another day, another beach. 
Das is arty ya?

Being a new island, it was tradition to walk around, only 6km. The island is the only of the three with its own water supply so it is therefore a lot greener, featuring many palm trees...
One thing we noticed here is that the people love to water their sand. Don't know why, maybe they think something may sprout out? 
Maybe this is how they grow their abundant supply of magic mushrooms...
 You can get mushrooms on anything here, yor pizza, pasta and even your morning milkshake...
They're not very sly here. With everything you can imagine being available here, you wonder what happened to that "death penalty" that the law states in Indonesia! 
Some funky architecture...
And another...
It was time to hit the main road to get back to the port for some lunch...
The Gilli's equivelant to Southampton docks...
Curry time...
Got the working head on in the afternoon, helping out marketing someone's waterproof gear business with some underwater shots photo courtesy of Chris Morrey. 

If land isn't your thing then build a pad on the water. If you get bored of the view of Lomboks volcanic hillside then pull up anchor and float on...
To the other side of the island where you will be met by amazing sunsets 365 days of the year  
See the night off in they buda bar...


  1. Joe, I am really beginning to hate you guys!!!!!!!!! can't you post some gloomy rain filled phots!!!!!!!!!! KEEP HAVING FUN and lay off the vodkha slush for bfast!!!!!!!!! Don't let Max fall in the volcano please!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOads your long suffering mother! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. I WANT TO GO THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why did you leave your mum at home!!!!!!!!!!
