
Monday 14 April 2014

Lombok life & boating to Bali

After the Mt. Rinjani "experience" we arrived in Lombok and checked into a great hotel for some relaxation time and some binge eating...
It was western time, first time in a while, the pizzas here are so much better than in Italy, no exaggeration...
Everyone has a stone Piza oven. Se interesting beers get served up here...
The kids start young here, hitting the streets selling bracelets, expect to be pestered at least 5-10 times at dinner...
Some much needed beach time was needed to relax those feet. One helluva beach with not one person on...
Sit down and the t-shirt brigade will be on you...turn a shoulder and someone will be bombing it along the beach on a mo-ped to sell you some of Lomboks finest threads...
We discovered that the only thing to do in Lombok is surfing. Shme. Relaxation time over, better sort out some transport to Bali. Check into this ace and you'll be served by a man with an MBA...(check out the paper sign)
You can catch a flight with "Captain Rogers, the tall bold man from England who flies with a beer" back to Bali in 25 minutes for only £20. We were advised to book the safer option, driving to Serangiggi port and then hopping on a boat to the Gillis and back to Bali. 
This guy turned out to be an absolute hero, having studied english to become a teacher he gave us lots of info and advice...
• University is $120 a year for westerners 
• having 3 girlfriends on campus is normal 
•the average Indonesian mans penis is around 2 inches. 5 is largeee
•to become a policeman on Lombok you have to be at least 160cm, no brain cells required
•Lombok is "the island of 1,000 mosques" with one in every village every 100metres...
Another reason to get back to Hindu Bali, one of these will go off in your ears every morning at 4am. The majority of the mosques run out of money and are only halve built. If you get a finished one then it can be quite a sight...
Hopped on the boat, Bali BACON Bound...
People just keep photo bombing our pictures, how rude...
There was some guy on the boat who did not stop grinning singing to himself for the whole two hour journey. Probably listening to s club. I remember my first MP3 player...
Passing Gillis on the way, cheeky pano shot with all three islands...
Arriving in Bali to sort out passports before Imigration closes. When your pressed for time  a good 50p "incentive" will take you through every red light to arrive in time! They love a good undertake here, honk your horn & flash your lights, far makes it far more acceptable...
Sky garden here we come...all you can eat BBQ and unlimited beer for £2.50, later to turn into a six floor super club with free flowing cocktails...

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