
Thursday 20 March 2014

Top 10 things on a mo ped

We've all seen those images on google of the whole family on a mo-ped but here are some alternatives.....

This lady was asking for directions to Rio...
People even let their dinner drive their bikes here...
Well that dog was looking a bit cool, but not as cool as my number one fan(LOL)...
When Comet went bust people didn't know how to transport their washing machines, this guy had the solution...
Ever needed a good back support when riding? 
Or maybe he just got a bit carried away when he heard you could refill bottles with tap water, put on a seal and sell it as evian!

Here's a personal favourite. Auto-glass with repair a chip in a windscreen for free, this guy will rock up with a brand new one...
This guy loves bottles...
More glass.... They really need to stop doing this, it's worrying
This bloke can't get enough of the TVs...

To be continued...

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