
Friday 28 March 2014


With word on the street that mainland Hindu Bali was preparing for a religious festival it was time to depart! That sounds very un-cultural however it was not what you would envisage. A day of no electricity, no noise and a street curfu so that the evil spirits wouldn't spot the inhabitants as they pass the island of Bali didn't not sound fun in the boiling heat! However the day before there were some interesting traffic jamming processions...
Waiting on the boat before departure was like being locked in your local gym'so sauna for the night...
The locals have mastered the cockney accent here and the lady in the background was serving some "blody cold Bintang mate"! Time to set off on this beast, a nine engine 2,700 horse power speed boat...
This boat didn't hang around, passing many islands on the way...
Check out those hot dogs ;)
The boat docked up in paradise, Gilli T...
Despite being the most developed Island of the lot, there is still only one main road and with motor transport being banned horse kart and bike are the only way around...
When you book your taxi one of these rock up! O, and don't worry about laws here, there are no police!
Well this place had already begun to feel like paradise, the best snorkeling and diving and plenty of beach bars to chill out on a bean bag. It also became evident that there weren't many male tourists, something you don't always come across! 
With the sunset approaching and cold beers in sight it would be rude not to head down to one of the beach sunset parties. Each bar takes it in turn to host each night to make sure that there's a great bunch of people all together. Time to extend those flights....

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