
Wednesday 5 March 2014

A post from the sleeper bus to Hue

Warning, spelling might be atrocious, the bumpy ride has resulted in only one contact lense.

Spent the day in Hanoi, stocking up and haggling the local traders. First stop, getting Max a replacement iphone at the 'official' apple store. Landing in at £300 for a brand spanking new unlocked iphone 5c you can't really complain. 

Trying to get a free case proved even more difficult than trying to sleep on this bus! Anyway, we decided to go a bit classy and get some swag protection...

Managed to get myself a "same, same, but different" North Face bag at a rock bottom price after some intense negotiations. Even the guys from "up nort" were impressed. Then had a farewell drink with the crazy guys from Leeds over a glass of Cobra....

Curly and Jibbs could tell some stories, which I can not put on her; all I will say is India is a crazy place...
Finished off with some grub, there were some pretty interesting dishes. "Five Tasty beef with carrot, onion and JEW'S EAR" has got to land in at number one for the weirdest dish...
With four weddings coming up we thought we should pop past a street wedding to get some ideas for Adam & Vicky. Guys, we are expecting big things! Tinsel canons and  U.S military jeeps, how about hosting it in a shop?
Max and I got all local again and embraced the Vietnamese coffee. With  a scale of 1 to 10 we were told to play it safe with a mild 3. Next time go for 1! With a consistency of tar and the power of 50 Redbulls this is not for the feint hearted! Not to mention the congealed pva like milk. 
Got a quick cuzza in, the best curry I've ever had. 
It doesn't look much there but the flavour was awesome. The owner came and had a chat with us and we started talking business....apparently a pretty standard restaurant building in the old quarter will set you back £2million! He couldn't quite afford that so settled for a grand a month rent, with a year having to be paid up front. 

So we hopped on our first sleeper bus, how exciting! The anticipation of being robbed on a 12 hour journey got to Chris decided to get all arty and get the go pro out with his new fancy pole attachment.

This excitement soon rubbed off, we had decided that four foot long beds were not built for westerners and that is why I am writing this long blog! It's 3 am and we still haven't slept. Max has resorted to licking the window and Chris has unlocked every level on his highly addictive stick man on a Segway game. 
It was good to get out of the city and finally see the sun, the first time in five days!
In desperate need of a back massage from being launched around around for 12 hours we are off to by our Mo-peds for our coastal adventure.....

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