
Monday 10 March 2014

Bikes on the bus to Na Treng

After a few injuries and a trip to the hospital the decision was made to get the sleeper train to Na Treng
The hospitals here are quite horrific places, with no curtains or privacy you can not imagine what you might see. Apparently if you ask for a blood test they  don't even analyse the blood, they say you have x,y,z and over prescribe you a concoction of drugs for a sky high fee. Even the services in Vietnam are fake! Another thing tht is fake is bottled water; tap water is bottled up and fake seals are attached to the vessels.
A cheeky climbing shot to lighten the mood! In Vietnam it is said that money is the language and nearly anything is possible...
If you can't get rid of your pride and joy then why not take it on the bus with you?! Na Trang is a stunning coastal paradise so time could not be wasted riding on dangerous roads so we embarked on our bus with our wheels to find the usual midget seats. 
A 12 hour ride could not be complete without some top class Vietnamese television...
It's a shame you can't upload videos on here as this was hilarious! Dressed up in PVC police outfits, wedding dresses and naughty school girls outfits, Vietnam's answer to Strictly Come Dancing was far more entertaining than our Western counterparts! 

Some locals then hopped on and started writing on bank notes and exchanging them with the Canadian girls we were with. After a while we found out they were exchanging facebook names, chatting up Vietnamese style! This reminds me, do not bring out sterling to exchange that has writing on or a small tear, they will not touch it with a barge pole!
Bus Bog shot. 

It was a typical bus journey, horns honking, near collisions and speeding theough junctions. This leads me onto traffic lights. 
Let's just say these are optional in Vietnam. If and when they are used they are used as a racing signal. Just above the red bulb is a number to indicate when the next light change is. At first this could be quite a useful feature we could introduce in the UK, on second thoughts this would not be good; drivers simply speed up through before red and race off seconds before green!

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