
Monday 10 March 2014

Hoi An

Hoi An was one of the more traditional places that you would visit, with lots of rice fields, fishing areas, markets and beautiful beaches...
The RSPCA would turn in their grave if they saw the welfare here, try and count how many chickens are in this cage...
As always, a vibrant array of fruit and vegetables were on offer; next time you have mango slices have it with some chillie and salt
The seafood was great here, courtesy of the local fosherman...
After discovering very little crab inside these Crustacea it was apparent that they could make a very amusing puppet show! Below are some of the fishing vessels used out at sea...
As night fell a waggon driver offered his services and kindly provided his cycle waggon over to the Japanese bridges
The river here was an array of courful lanterns and floating candles...
We settled down for some traditional Vietnamese dinner until we discovered this, a top contender for our "lost in translation list"...
Dick curry, now that's a new one! It took a while for the food to arrive so we had our concerns on whether this actually was a typo or not!
You maybe wandering why there is an edgy photo above of a pool table lit by iphone torches. This is because the hotels have a noise and light curfew at 10 and after being told the police would be called if we turned the lights on we used our initiative to finish an interesting game. Every game of pool is different out here, it's all about learning the table, they have a mind of their own and it could be said that one'a performance is enhanced when thoroughly intoxicated!

Being threatened by the police for turning the light on certainly confirms how messed up the law system is out here(if you can call it that!). At the other end of the scale you get offered heroine every time you ask for a lighter and you can even have a day with these puppies...
Above are some hilarious guys we met from Leeds, Curley and Dave. 

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