
Saturday 27 September 2014

Back on the seas

Well days 4,5,6 & 7 we're spent in the not so glamourous port town of Leixoes. without being able to lower the tender the crew started to develop some serious cabin fever. The most exciting outside event would be the neighbouring Dutch yacht going ashore every now again. It took some persuasion to off load just one bin bag alone!!

Day 8 - catch you later Leixoes

A nice early start to enjoy the last of the low pressure. All cleared up to an awesome calm day on the sea albeit with no wind.

Casual cruising all day at a steady nine knots. Great sunset, tops off warm enough for some alfresco sunset dining...

And so the night watch begins, 4 hours on, 4 hours off, 4 hours on, 4 hours off. 

 Absolutely buzzing from the Indonesian  extra joss, the dolphins were living the dream playing with the current from the boat. Some sort of Trippl silowet of an obese man on the fordeck, actually just the storm jib folded up. Decent meteor shower. 

Few deceptive fisherman. Time for some crazy creamfields style von deep house to vinish ze night through ya. 

Day 9 - Micheal Cain-ing it to Lisbon

Heading past the controlled shipping lanes up to Lisbon with lines out in search of some fat fish.  

Got surrounded by at least 20 dolphins with a tornado of water being propelled into the skies in the distance. 

Lost a fishing line the bugger was so big!

Sunday lunch alfresco, roast chicken salad...

Smooth sailing to the most westerly point of Mianlnd Europe. 

This is what panorama was for...

Duck on the decks...

Bon soir...

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