
Monday 21 July 2014

T in the park Scotland!

Next stop Scotland. After an interesting boarder crossing handing over pink Floyd CDs at 70mph across the motorway the team of Scotland virgins finally arrived at Balado Park which resembled somewhat of an apociptic theme park/chicken run movie set...

Several days of working hard/hardly working pumping up mattresses started to turn a few characters slightly crazy...
 ...or Scotish...
Back stage time with some ultimate blagging time courtesy of the phoney phone call to Jai whilst stealing hi-vi jackets to blend in with production amongst the likes of Will Smith and Pharrell Williams...
Now over to the front of stage, to check out the Arctic Minkeys after a very Scottish line up consisting of Paulo, Calvin and the Chilli Pipers...
One thing that became apparent in Scotland was that the people never sleep and nore does the sun, only setting for an hour or so it can provide some epic skies at 3am...
Feeling tired? Check into some proper luxury down at Hotel bell tent...
Wake up in the morning and expect something like this in your kitchen, not sure how anyone had the time or coherentness to assemble this little number...
Goodbye T, goodbye Scotland, goodbye fried food hello holy trinity and much needed detox...(pontins holiday camp style - yay)

Sunday 6 July 2014

Tour de France - Dare to be festival of cycling

Well, no one would expect the Tour de France to start up nort in Leeds would they. The six hour 300 mile journey commenced in high spirits, roof down n all...
Boredom soon kicked in, counting caravans got into too high figures and after seeing someone fall asleep at the wheel (and narrowly escaping) we thought we better keep concentration levels high...continuing those Spanish skills from Mallorca...
Easy really. It was evident we were in Northern Territory, with some iconic concrete structures that run those light bulbs...
Destination in sight, Harrogate. Turns out to be lovely, bit like bath but having been attacked by the bunting brigade...
Tent up and home for the next few weeks, Equipt with bar n all...
The main festival field, first to arrive for setup, not a bad house in the distance, suppose it will do well for a summer residence...
200 tents up, fully dressed and geared up, although slightly resembling a refugee camp from the distance...
Time to enjoy the festival and get some snaps with the royals, up at the gaff...
Prince wills rocking up in his new £8mn flying machine...
The race begins, with an army of men on wheels...
Hitting up the festival arena, you even get to pay to power your own beats on a bike...
With the evening coming why not spruce yourself up in the pamper tents, Hollywood style...
BBQ bell tent style, having cleared out the morrisons festival stand of meat this was a true sausage fest...
Mad chilling n ting...
Night falls, big screen for the fuusball, next stop Scotland, T in the park.