
Wednesday 21 May 2014

Summer festivals Blog coming soon!

Don't worry guys, the blog will be up and running again soon bringing you all the actions from a festival packed summer! Travelling around in one of these bad boys. From this Bell Tent you will be fead with all the action, back stage banter, top notch food and of course a good round up of all the live giggs!
Visiting Bournemouth 7s, glastonbury, the start of the Tour de France, larmer tree, t in the park, rewind , v festival , bestival , Silverstone , camp bestival , cream fields , festival number 6 and global gathering there will be something for everyone to have a good read! Get your tent names ready folks!

In the mean time, there will be the odd bit of action from London, with various chinease cousins...
And the odd beer here or there!
See you soon followers....

Monday 5 May 2014

London bound via Kuala Lumpur

A 17 hour flight wouldn't be complete with a good stop over. We've done Changhai, now KL. Upon arrival you are greeted by the KLIA Express which will take you 28 minutes and not a second over to the city centre. Not the usual view we are all used to back in the UK...
Once at KL Sentral hop straight on the underground with your plastic coinage...
One step out the station and BOOM! Hello Petronus Towers! Remember mission impossible and the bridge scene, well this is it. 
An immense structure of shiny stainless steel that is cleaned daily to ensure it sparkles in the sun this is quite a sight...
At night the illuminations start. With a designated floor of staff to monitor and ensure the scrapers fill the city with an amazing show of light...
Dinner time at a Japanese eatery, Unfortunatly no Malay food in the finance district...
KL Tower in the background...
KL has some of the most amazing shopping and to say its extremely westernised would be an understatement...haven't seen a genuine one of these in a while...
Back on the tube for the journey to the airport. Not sweaty. Super aircon. Turned out that today was the grand opening of KL Airport 2 was opened; set to be the largest budget airline terminal in the world!
After a good nine hours of plane entertainment it was time to chase the sun over Europe with an amazing rise for the next three hours...
Touch down. Heathrow T4. Hopefully those bow & arrows, extra joss and enough clothing to open a shop will get through the green lane...

Thursday 1 May 2014

Goodbye travelling - things that will be missed from Bali

Well. This is it. Six weeks of beautiful Bali has come to an end, London bound on Malaysian Airlines, water landing anyone?

Whilst the plane situation gets sorted out it i thought i would list a few of the things that will be missed the most...

The local smiles

The 1 in 3 risk of buying fake booze & waking up on a beach for sunrise

Free breakfasts for 6 weeks

Ridiculous surf, see the red top?

Promoting smoking

70p double doubles and there deadly kick

Sky garden

Driving up a one way street with 3 people on a motorbike. Even driving on a bike under the sea

Being abused by the Aussies and then beating them at everything

Bintang beer

35 degree heat at 9.30am

The Bum gun

Sunset bars

Extra joss - a concoction of vitamins and taurine, it does crazy things

Tuna steaks 

Being harassed constantly to buy drugs when there's a death penalty

Flash packing for less than hostels

4 hands massages for an hour and then sitting on a bean bag for the day

Pizza that's better than pizza from Italy

Pre drinks at the quickie marts


The staff at the Quickie Marts

The language:
Terima kasih - thank you
Helo - helo
Polisi - pice
Taksi - taxi
Apar kabar - how are you. 

There's only one response in Indonesia and that's yes I'm great ..."Bagus!"

£2 all you can eat BBQ 

Risking mouthwatering food for Bali Belly

Life threatening hangovers

Naked up volcanoes...

Bartering for everything, even your visa

Being able to take over any bar/beach rave, pour your own drinks and smash out the tunes

Sea life

Manly mo-peds

Fake endorsements

Free upgrades, interconnecting rooms for  £7/night
With almost 4,000 views in 2 months it's time to give the blog a small rest...

Thank you Bali, it's been a pleasure! Goodbye.