
Sunday 23 November 2014

Pirates of the Caribbean (well, the U.S Virgin Islands)

Wondered what it's like to work and live in the Caribbean? Follow on for a typic after work afternoon/weekend. Then again, you might not want to if your stuck in a rainy office ;) ;)

Get local mon and hop on the dollar bus. No prizes for sussing it out. Why get a taxi when you can hop on, get some local knowledge and a tour of the island?! 
On the subject of taxis, they're the same thing here, order a taxi and you get a bus, everyone will hitch a ride! Hop off at the nearby beach after work, not too shabby...
Just make sure you don't go to a beach where this lot go! The newly wed, over fead and nearly dead flood some of these beaches...
After a good tan, get yourself down to the complimentary kitted gym. 
Then get on the beers down at Hooters for some 'culture'...
The USVI is a tax free island and they certainly don't tax the alcohol either, hit up the happy hour and it will leave you extremely happy ;) As pictured in one of the bars in Redhook beers for only $2.50, good luck getting any local Caribbean beer though...
As the weekend calls, hitch a ride on another dollar bus, chat to the locals and admire the signage...
Hop off at the Virgin Islands university at the agricultural fair for some reggae beats, rice n peas and punch...
Some proper pulled pick picture here everybody...
After lunch get down to another horrible beach, Megan's bay pictured below...
Despite all of the natural beauty there is quite an odd side to the island. It's a bit like digging up a slice of America and plonking in on a Caribbean island. Expect to see lots of police card and a potential scary walk home on occasions...
All the American commodities are here, you got 10 Maccys man and even a wendies. Get down if you fancy drinking a years supply of diet coke and a proper burger with Portabelo mushrooms...
After this then get down to the game. College basketball league, watched by the young and old....
Here's the game, Equipt with your very own xylophone band, cheerleaders and Prescious on the touch line...
Back to something a bit more laid back and Caribbean; look, a chicken on the road....
There seems to be an abundance of these birds strolling round the streets of Charlotte Amalie, very odd. 

With only a month to go to Christmas it was time to plan ahead. This book will sum up this one...
To be continued.... 

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Merica - "greatest gaddam country in the world man"

The ten hour flight from Madrid was coming to an end with the swamps of Florida in sight...
Touch down. Imigration in Miami International. No surprises here...
Time to head down to the F.L strip to experience some American Culture. All those preconceptions were fairly true. Big cars...
Big food...
And big beaches...
Night time and time to head down to one of the final crew appreciation parties down at the docks. Featuring unlimited complimentary alcohol and BBQ this was bound to be a good evening. With some awesome yachts moored up dockside...
Morning soon came round and time to fire up the beast...
Goodbye America, a short but sweet visit. 
See you in 5 months, next stop United States Virgin Islands...

Palma, always a pleasure, never a chore

So here's a page that sums up the best things about Mallorca:

1. Waking up to a view like this every morning with guaranteed sunshine...
2. Being sold loads of rubbish by the looky looky men in Palma...
3. Hitting ridiculous highs in October!
4. Being able to get "McLASHED in Donald's"...
5. The stunning buildings of Palma...
6. The relaxed drinking attitude, featured here, two guardi civil officers in uniform with a cheeky glass of G&T, naughty naughty, driving home boys?
7. The thousands of steps a day dock walking appreciating the yachts and talking to some lovely people. Port Adriano featured...
8. The parties...
9. And the Parking...
10. The restaurants of Palma, the oldest Bar Sa Premsa below...
11. Tapas Tuesdays, ponchos and a beer/wine for only 2 Yozzas...
12. Road trips, Calla Daeh featured below...

Well Mallorca, as usual, it was a pleasure, hopefully revisit again next year, adios...

Palma, always a pleasure, never a chore

So here's a page that sums up the best things about Mallorca:

1. Waking up to a view like this every morning with guaranteed sunshine...
2. Being sold loads of rubbish by the looky looky men in Palma...
3. Hitting ridiculous highs in October!
4. Being able to get "McLASHED in Donald's"...
5. The stunning buildings of Palma...
6. The relaxed drinking attitude, featured here, two guardi civil officers in uniform with a cheeky glass of G&T, naughty naughty, driving home boys?
7. The thousands of steps a day dock walking appreciating the yachts and talking to some lovely people. Port Adriano featured...
8. The parties...
9. And the Parking...
10. The restaurants of Palma, the oldest Bar Sa Premsa below...
11. Tapas Tuesdays, ponchos and a beer/wine for only 2 Yozzas...
12. Road trips, Calla Daeh featured below...

Well Mallorca, as usual, it was a pleasure, hopefully revisit again next year, adios...

Monday 3 November 2014

Madrid Visa Run - visa tips & a city tour

So you've come to Madrid to get your visa at the U.S embassy? Well first off, get yourself a decent hotel from , 4*, 4 nights for only £120! 

Get on the metro and hop off at Ruben Dario; the embassy is a five minute walk along the main road. 

Look presentable and be very polite to ensure you pass the test smoothly! 

Don't stress about getting the correct 5cmx5cm passport photos before, there's a booth and change machine just inside it's €5.  

Get there way before your appointment; mine was at 8.15am when I got in the main room there were loads of people and I was given a ticket way down the line, sat there for an hour, bring a book!

Make sure you've got your boat papers and application form. 

Don't take any bags etc, you will also have to hand your phone in so bring a book to read!

If it's urgent, you can request a fast track. Mention this in the main room and they will sort this. You pay €20 when you pick it up. 

Finally, the "interview" isn't anything to get worried about (assuming you are relitivly normal and don't have any concerning issues). You simply walk up to a bank style counter. They only asked where I was born and where I will be working. 

Make sure you've chosen a pickup point nearby and horay, fingers crossed your visa will be with you in a couple of days!

And boom! Visa received in just under 12 hours. Cheers!

Wondering what to do? Then read on...

Get your self a travel card (1,2,3&5 days unlimited travel for under €26) hit up the second biggest metro in Europe and see the sights...

First up, The Cibeles Palace; Originally the headquarters of the postal service, this impressive building was home to the Postal Museum before becoming  the Madrid City Hall. 
Then head up to the area by the Metropolis building and surrounding area for some serious architecture...
In the mood for shopping? Only wear brown, grey, white or black? Then get down to the biggest Zara...
If Zara isn't your thing and you like flaunting more flashy garments then why not head down to this establishment?...
Next up, The Plaza Mayor. This used to host many large events, markets, bullfights, football games and executions! You will find all the usual suspects here from all major European cities from floating statue people to men dressed as babies. A bit like the square in Palma at the start of the natorious Tapas Tuesdays.  Nowadays it's just a huge square full of tourist restaurants and cafés...
If your up for a more authentic dining experience then head down to the indoor mercado de San Miguel for some ponchos and vino! Hundreds of tiny little outlets offering a wide variety of cuisine...
Just a short walk away is the Palacio Real de Madrid. Officially the home of the royal family but only used for state events. Come on guys, it's no Buckingham Palace is it?
Directly oposite is the Santa María la Real de La Almudena; the Catholic cathedral in Madrid. Apparently built on a medieval mosque...
Make sure you pay your €1 to get in, remember, God charges ;) 
Day 2, down to the food market near the Islanic area of La Latina, bit like Birmingham market...
Then get lost in the surrounding roads and chose one of the thousands of good tapas bars, get a 3 course menu de la dia with a drink and bread for a bargain 10 yozzas!
Lots if strange shops in the area for the ladies too...
After lunch hop on the metro to explore the eastern part of the city, the parque del buen is great, smashing green house too;)
Rent a bath tub and row across the lake in front of the monumento al Rey Alfonso xii...
Exit the park towards the Puerta de Alcala...

Then get back on the metro and go to the plaza de toros; the 25,000 seater bullring stadium to watch a mean bull fight at 6pm...
If bullfighting isn't your thing and you don't like rugby then pay the Real Madrid stadium a visit for a cheeky little tour...
If there are other similar yachties reading from a retired finance background or wondering why they work on the seas rather than at a desk facing a computer then visit the finance district. Surrounded by workers who get dressed in clothes that they buy for work and drive through traffic in a car that they are still paying for in order to get the job that one needs to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house that they leave vacant all day in order to afford to live in it...
Good architecture though :) 

Well that's most of Madrids sight seen, bit bad for two halve days!