
Thursday 5 January 2017

Tropical Hiking on St. Johns

Well it was time to leave the heavily American five lane 4x4 ridden island of St.Thomas and catch the ferry over to the beautiful St. John .
Crossing the seas surrounded by pirate ships it was bound to be a more authentic caribean experience...
So no more Wendies and Hooters and more of this; shore line restearaunts with a more lads back vibe...
Pick up a smoothie at Cruz Bay and head to the hyking trails...
First stop, Honey Moon Beach, not a bad start to the new year...
Then head over to the keel bay resort to checkout some mid 1800s ruins...
Not be fooled and ask where the driving range is, this is just an example of the luscious landscape that the people of St John are blessed with....
On the way back to Cruz take the upper trail, don't worry, the view will be worth the treck...
This shot sums up town, cockrels roaming the streets on the way to the salsa bars...
Tuck into some well deserved meat down at Uncle Joe's BBQ shack, nothing fancy, just proper food...
Head home via the white chapel, a hint of  Vegas perhaps...
Three bays down, time for some proper tracking on day two through the national park; don't be fooled by the short distances on the signs, the terrain makes it much harder...
Not to dissimilar to the base trails surrounding Mt.Rinjani on the Indonesian Island of Lombok...
Just be careful that no spiders drop down and hop on your shoulders...

First up, Hawksnest Bay, another beautiful white sandy beach with lapping crystal shores...
Head up to peaceful hill to checkout the ruins 
and another great view...

Next up, trunk bay, make sure you've got some dosh, for some reason you have to pay to enjoy this bay. You can probably see why though...
The snorkeling trail was pretty awesome here; despite it being ruined by the lifeguards ("we don't want you swimming beyond your abilities"). Come on America, live a little! 
The final trip round to the last bay in the North West, Cinnamon Bay...
St. John...tick...on to the next one...

Monday 8 December 2014

Island hopping tha BVI mon!

Next stop British Virgin Islands, even if it was for thanks giving, having been in the U.S Virgin Islands just days before...
Felt good to be back on British Soil;) 
It was a first thanksgiving for some and enough food to be their last. Some serious feast, even complimented by MARSHMELLOWS on sweet potato?!
Time to head back to the USVIs, a smashing 6am sunrise tender ride home....
With a weekend off, time to get crackin and enjoy some local life. Hop on one of the dollar buses, "untouchable blessings" random. Like it. 
If buses aren't your thing and you want to save the world grab one of these electric bad boys ...
First up, Pesche in Red Hook for a bottomless alcoholic brunch, this was bad news for a group of yachties who hadn't touched a drop all week...
Phrase of the day...
After a good morning sesh Cokie bay was next up for some office admin, seeing off a few cheeky Caronas...
If you bump into this bloke then his name is Leon. A professional alcoholic coconut catcher. Rarely will you see this maverick without a shot of st Thomas's finest...
Feeling in the mood for something a bit more healthy, chat to Uncle Ben, he will sort you out ...
Everyone gets stuck in on Cokie...
Shite Shirt Saturdays down at Iggies, don't mind if we do...
Sunday morning, head up the hill for a buffet brunch and a cracking view of Charlotte Amolie...
Then tear up the markets for some secret Santa ideas...
Some interesting smoking apparatus...
Then get your beach bum down to Saphire Bay for a chilled out afternoon and some great birds...
If the all you can eat, drinks, more eating and drinking wasn't enough for one weekend then head down to off the track for an unlimited BBQ and some serious roast pork...

One hectic weekend in St Thomas done, with Christmas right round the corner...
To be continued...

Sunday 23 November 2014

Pirates of the Caribbean (well, the U.S Virgin Islands)

Wondered what it's like to work and live in the Caribbean? Follow on for a typic after work afternoon/weekend. Then again, you might not want to if your stuck in a rainy office ;) ;)

Get local mon and hop on the dollar bus. No prizes for sussing it out. Why get a taxi when you can hop on, get some local knowledge and a tour of the island?! 
On the subject of taxis, they're the same thing here, order a taxi and you get a bus, everyone will hitch a ride! Hop off at the nearby beach after work, not too shabby...
Just make sure you don't go to a beach where this lot go! The newly wed, over fead and nearly dead flood some of these beaches...
After a good tan, get yourself down to the complimentary kitted gym. 
Then get on the beers down at Hooters for some 'culture'...
The USVI is a tax free island and they certainly don't tax the alcohol either, hit up the happy hour and it will leave you extremely happy ;) As pictured in one of the bars in Redhook beers for only $2.50, good luck getting any local Caribbean beer though...
As the weekend calls, hitch a ride on another dollar bus, chat to the locals and admire the signage...
Hop off at the Virgin Islands university at the agricultural fair for some reggae beats, rice n peas and punch...
Some proper pulled pick picture here everybody...
After lunch get down to another horrible beach, Megan's bay pictured below...
Despite all of the natural beauty there is quite an odd side to the island. It's a bit like digging up a slice of America and plonking in on a Caribbean island. Expect to see lots of police card and a potential scary walk home on occasions...
All the American commodities are here, you got 10 Maccys man and even a wendies. Get down if you fancy drinking a years supply of diet coke and a proper burger with Portabelo mushrooms...
After this then get down to the game. College basketball league, watched by the young and old....
Here's the game, Equipt with your very own xylophone band, cheerleaders and Prescious on the touch line...
Back to something a bit more laid back and Caribbean; look, a chicken on the road....
There seems to be an abundance of these birds strolling round the streets of Charlotte Amalie, very odd. 

With only a month to go to Christmas it was time to plan ahead. This book will sum up this one...
To be continued....